SEMA Data Bigcommerce app
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How to install
Please find and install SEMA Data app in Bigcommerce app marketplace or click
HERE. when you click Install, it outlines the data the app will access and the permissions the app needs before being installed. Click Confirm when you’re ready to finalize the install.
How to set up
After installation, the SEMA Data app will be listed on your Apps page. Click on our app link, you’ll be asked to choose if you want to add a catalog search page to your theme
automatically or
manually. We highly recommend that you select the “Automatic” tab, unless your category page has a lot of custom features. Automatic mode will replace your category page with SEMA catalog search page; Manual mode will create a web page, which URL is /catalog-search-sd/, to display catalog search page.
Enter the same username and password that you would when logging into the SEMA Data, then click the “Generate Token” button to retrieve a token for API access. Once the token is generated, you’ll need to fill in the “AAIA brand ID” field. If you have more than one brand ID, please separate them with a space or a comma. Don’t forget to click on the “
Save” button to save the token and brand ID information that you added.
Mandatory update: Overrides existing products with the most updated product information. You may choose which product information to be updated.
How to import
Select the “Data Import” tab. Click on the “Setting” buttons to the right side of the page to establish the categories you’d like to import products from.

After saving your categories in Setting, click on the “Import” button to initiate the import process. It can take about 1-3 seconds to import a product and images to Bigcommerce. You may import product periodically in order to obtain the most updated data.
No product title: Parts without a product name will not be imported
No product Image: Parts without an image will not be imported.
Product image does not exist: If an image’s URL is not accessible, the part will not be imported.
Image format not supported: Bigcommerce supports three image formats only, .jpg .gif and .png.

Custom Fitments
Our plugin will allow you to add/modify/delete fitment, as well as assign fitment data to non-SDC products. You can do this by clicking on the “Assign” button from the fitment list, then selecting the “+” button on the fitment edit page. Check the boxes off next to the products matching year/make/model/submodel, as desired. The search bar at the top of the “Assign to products” page can help to locate specific products easily. Once you confirm to add products to fitment, you must click on the “Save” button in the fitment edit section. If you would like to add any further vehicle or vehicle model/submodel data, please repeat the steps above and include all.

If you can’t find the fitment you want, please click on the “New YMMS” button from the fitment list page to add your own ACES data. Type Make/Model/Submodel in the search bar to find the vehicle that you are looking for. After you select the vehicle, all years matching it will populate. Delete the years that will not fit your parts then click the “Add” button. Once you have created the additional fitment, please remember to click the “Save” button to add the new fitments to your website. Congratulations! You can now assign products to your new fitments successfully.
How to use SEMA search
If you choose the “Automatic” setting, the SEMA catalog search page will display as your category page. If you choose the “Manual” setting, you’ll have to insert a web page with a SEMA search template to your top navigation menu. The SEMA Catalog search supports an advanced search by Year/Make/Model/Sub-model, categories, brands and other attributes.
Automatic mode
Our app will replace category pages and shop all page with our SEMA catalog search page if you set it as Automatic method.
Manual mode
You must set the Catalog Search page visible manually as below if you set it as manual method.